The Detroit City Council is expressing its disdain for disgraced Detroit Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick. This week, the council moved for a resolution asking for Kilpatrick to resign voluntarily. However, Mayor Kilpatrick has refused to do so.
"This is what I was born to do," said Kilpatrick.
A formal vote by the council is set for Tuesday. If the resolution passes, the council will seek a voluntary resignation. If Mayor Kilpatrick refuses to resign, the city then resorts to other options available to force his removal from office.
"The city has basically been paralyzed since all this information has come out," said Councilwoman Brenda Jones. "We can't just sit here and act like we are moving forward."
Jones and the other council members unanimously passed the resolution against Kilpatrick.
Kwame Kilpatrick, known as "The Hip Hop Mayor", has had a troubled administration from the start. Most recently, he found himself in the middle of a whistle-blower case, in which two Detroit Police Officers sued, citing that they were fired for revealing details of the Mayor's extracurricular activities.
Mayor Kilpatrick, who is the son of Congress Woman Carolyn Kilpatrick, has been accused of perjury after he and his Chief of Staff, Christine Beatty, lied under oath about having an affair. If found guilty of felony perjury, Kilpatrick could be disbarred, forced to resign as mayor and given up to 15 years in prison.
Kilpatrick had little to say about possibly being forced out by the City Council. "I don't want to get into that," he said. "I'm not resigning."
The Detroit City Council also had some disparaging remarks about the national attention that the case has drawn.
"Detroit has received embarrassing coverage nationally and internationally, which has caused the mayor to be absent from his duties for a prolonged period of time and absent from the public," the resolution stated.
Whether the council can remove Kilpatrick from the Mayor's Office is yet to be determined. Council President Kenneth Cockrel Jr. stated that he doesn't believe Kilpatrick can be removed without being convicted of a felony.
"I think at this point he's dug his heels in pretty well," Cockrel said.
Kwame Kilpatrick, an attorney, was the youngest Mayor ever elected in the city of Detroit. His troubles began as Mayor in 2002, when rumors of a wild party at his mansion surfaced. It is alleged that the party involved strippers, and that Kilpatrick's wife, Carlita Kilpatrick, came home unexpectedly and got into a fight with one of the strippers.
But Kilpatrick's problems with strippers did not stop there. Tamara Greene, a stripper with the nickname "Strawberry", allegedly performed at Kilpatrick's home. Greene was shot over a dozen times by the same .40 caliber pistol offered for use by the Detroit Police Department. Her family is claiming that her murder (which came shortly after another failed attempt on her life) was committed to keep her from testifying.
Tamara Greene's family is suing the city of Detroit for $150 Million.
More Kwame Kilpatrick Commentary:
Dr. Boyce Watkins: Why the World Hates Kwame Kilpatrick
resign for cheating on his wife. it is hard to prove purjury, for one he never said yes or no to the question, what was said that he has a family of many women and he doesn't accept the fact that a woman working with a male figure shouldn't be labled a whore. remember, now for ms beatty she out and out committed purjury. she answered no to the question. i voted for mayor kilpatrick and i would vote for him again. i have never in all my life of working in the state of michigan have never recieved a city income tax return. so as for tax $$$. the text messages/scandal where is the secret, some one needs to prove to me he did something other than cheating on his wife.
anonymous blogger needs to wake up. What a shame.
It's like Dave Chappelle's half-joking answer to questions about OJ - "I'm sorry, my blackness will ot allow me to answer the question". I'm no one's moral compass and if all he did was cheat on his wife - then he needs to answer to her alone. But the reality is - he cheated on his wife - you paid for the dinners, the hotels and the couple's massages - he may possibly have had a stripper killed to cover his behind and then, he perjured himself to a Federal Grand Jury.
If the Afro-Centrically blinded culture of the City of Detroit doesn't put him out - then they deserve their fate. I lived in that city for years - it is the most racist city in the USA - and by racist, I mean black on white intolerance and shameful discrimination.
Dennis Archer is missed
It is wrong to judge all of the citizens of Detroit negatively because you encountered some discouraging incidents. Detroit is racist of itself (self-hatred).
I have been a taxpayer since the age of ten and would only side with Mayor Kilpatrick if he pays, out of his own pocket for the extra curricular activities, law suits, attorneys fees and person entertainment. If her continues to hold the taxpayers responsible for his ignorance,there should be a recall of his position. His arrogance, not regreting his misconduct and continuation of lies... "The sins of the father..."
I just want to know, what part of the word 'RESIGN' is Kwame Kilpatrick having a problem understanding?
Anonymous is the kind of individual the mayor relies on:an abject idiot who is uninformed, ill advised, and basically a functional illiterate. The apologist (folks who side with the mayor)make no mention of the dollars wasted on the trial, which will includes attorneys fees forked out by the city to the lawyers of the two newspapers in Detroit requesting the FOIAs (freedom of information). The business community (especially soul food establishments)just got a taste of rejection when the National Conferences of Black Mayors have opted out of having their convention in Detroit in April 08, and they're off to the Big Easy. But Kwame and his troop will put a spin on that rationale and not take one bit of blame. He is a moral abomination; a disgrace to the oldest city in the Midwest, and certainly no Coleman Alexander Young, the first mayor of Detroit of African descent who gave it his all. The people will rise up again against this tyrant, a FAMU graduate (for which he has resigned from their board in Talahassee, attorney, and admitted adulterer..Kwame, my man, put an egg in your shoe and beat it; even those jack leg preachers (Rev. Horace Sheffield, Windel Anthony, and, Jim Holley)can now find a biblical verse to save you...Surrender Kwame so the city can win....
the mayor wants everyone to believe it's only about the sex. It's about him firing two decorated police veterans for fear that they would reveal his affair. He perjured himself when he said he didn't work to fire them, but it was proven on one of the text messages, that is exactly what he planned to do. He cost the city over 8 million dollars by trying to hide it, and still lied to the city council why he agreed to settle the case.
Kwame needs to step down now. The negative publicity nationwide is not good for the city "he was born to be mayor of" This is what you get when you elect a smooth talking,immature young man to a powerful,prestigious position such as Mayor of Detroit. The city council has asked for his resignation and the healing can begin as soon as he complies.
I do not care what Kwame does in his personal life that is between him his wife and his maker. He however has taken advantage of the City of Detroit and the hardworking people of Detroit. Kwame has spun the truth since the day he ran for office and continues to insult the intelligence of citizens of this great City. He runs the City like a Thug. Wake up!! I hope that he is forced to resign because he is too arrogant to do the right thing for the City (because it is all about Kwame) I hope a greivance has been filed and will be debarred and spend some time in prison for what he has done. Not only to the two police officers, there families and the two late dancers from his party. infamous party, but for all the many other things that the citizen of Detroit do not know.
His parents should be so proud!!!!!!!!!
Give it up Kwame and take your admistration(family and friends)with you.
I wonder if Kwame Kilpatrick has taken time to think about the effect this crisis will have on his sons years from now. (particularly if they have to witness their father being thrown out of office) Although I'm sure this ongoing crisis has been tough on his wife I'm not as concerned about her simply because at some
point in time she has the option of deciding not to continue being his wife. His sons don't have the option of choosing a different father. They will forever be affected by what happens to their father. If possible, it's time for Kilpatrick to make it a priority to salvage something out of this mess for the sake of his sons. He should step up to the plate and remember he was a father before he ever became a mayor and he'll still be a father after this mess is resolved.
What really makes me sad about the situation is that there are people around Detroit that seem to think he is the best thing. One mistress murdered by a cops gun. Numerous miss deads. Lies, theft, adultry, and possible blood on his hands. A horrible, but seemingly all too commen trend for our race!
Regardless of if this is the job for him or not, He's a good man..And I really don' t understand what him cheating on his wife has to do with the case anyway..So as far as the strippers and so forth ok thats fine, open that case up and investigate it but its no one including the city of Detroit's business whats goin on in his personal life..I'm not justifying anything that he may have done in the past I'm an 19 year old male from Detroit so I witness whats goin on First hand but I'm not understanding what a whistle blower case has to do with him cheating on his wife. Why bring that up in Court? I support him as a man and a mayor. Clinton didn't even get this much drama and he ran an entire country. And as far as using the citys credit cards for all types of things other than to help the city, WHO IN POLITICS DOESN'T DO IT??? I really don't know but if anyone on here know's a person in politics who hasn't done that before please email me at Watso5a1@tccemail.fl.edu I'm not saying that to justify him I'm just saying if we're not going to call out everyone thats doing it then we should keep our mouth closed and as far as making an example of him, There are people that do the same stuff in other cities and our country who we should start with first
Would you PLEASE pay attention to the WHOLE PICTURE?! It's not just his adultery! He cheated the city (that's what the controversy is mostly about) and I agree with the other writer when they say he is running the city like a "thug" ("hoodlum" seems more appropriate). This man lied under oathe and he needs to be repromanded. I'm not worried 'cause I have faith that ALL truths will come out and HE WILL PAY. It's just a shame that his family will have to pay with him. His mother has to feel a great level of shame.
And let us not forget the role of chief ella bully cummings who has orchestrated this cover up or worse carried out the order to do so. She should leave in shame also and leave now. She has demoralized the police dept and will go down in history as the 1st female chief and the worst chief. Her lack of leadership, ineptness, nasty attitude and the "work in progress" reorgnization has ruined the dept and put the citizens in danger.
He is the meaning of the word "Triflin"
The longer he stays the deeper the hole gets!!!
Well, Well, Well - Imagine that!!! The Detroit City Council postponed there vote until March 16th. Would that have anything to do with waiting to see what Kim Worthy has to say on March 14th? Maybe we should look at getting rid of them also. Coleman is probably turning over in disgust in his grave.
All I Have to say is Detroit hasnt been the same since Coleman A. Young passed away. Kwame is a disgrace to our city, he knew exactly what he was doing everything for his personal benefit.With all the problems with the school system shortage on text books things of that nature he still found time to manipulate the system with hiring felons and partying with strippers. his wife should leave his trifling ass but of course he'll use the marriage excuse to justify his love but when the truth comes out about Tamara Greene she wont have a choice but to leave the mayor with no morals and respect for our city. And this man has a Law Degree a Mind is a Terrible thing to waste.
This Man lied under oath and has a law degree so what does that tell you about his respect for the Law he doesnt give a damn. That was all a front he not only cheated on his wife but he cheated the whole city.I feel that he should go to jail lock him up show him the true moral meaning of up holding the law, Im sure he learned that in Law school or maybe not he was probably busy buying earings and partying with strippers and convicted felons. Like the saying says you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas. I just feel sorry for his wife and kids they are faced with alot of scrutiny because of his stupid ass. I wonder if he ever thought how his ghetto behavior would affect his family. His mother must feel like gum under a shoe ashamed of what she has endorsed for years a liar and cheat. He doesnt care about nothing but himself, not about his wife if he did he wouldnt have cheated, and he damn sure doesnt care about the city cheating us out of the little shit we do have. Hey Kwame there are alot of single mothers out here raising kids alone that could have used that help you gave Christine Beatty to purchase a house. I hope you get what you deserve JAIL TIME
...remember the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. Can anyone tell us what Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick has accomplished in the 13th district aside from enriching herself. The schools are deplorable, crime is rampant, dilapidated communities, unacceptable HS graduation rates, illiteracy....on, and on. The family needs to be investigated in order for the people of Detroit to be better informed before voting these people in office over and over again simply based on name recognition.
Ella Bully Cummings...is a disgrace!! I had high hopes for this sista and she too is a political hack for this jerk called the "mayor." Her body language didn't match what was coming from her mouth. You could tell she was lying in that news conference about the investigation into Tamara Green's assassination. Why didn't she reveal current information into the ongoing investigation,i.e., how many officers are working on the case, their names, how many hours per day, ect. She would have been seen as a bit more credible rather than using the conference to slam officer Bowman. That's why officer Bowman was awarded $200,000; he's truthful.
What dirt does Kwame have on the chief, city council, and city lawyers that have them too scared to do the right thing? They will all go down with him. Is it worth it?
Oh, Sharon McPhail is probably Carmen Slowski.
All that has gone on is sad, it just goes to show how high up in authority wickedness is. This thing is so big that probably most of the big official of Detroit is involved in this mess, and I know they are probably definitely scared that they are going to be called out. That's what happens when you hang around with wrong doers and help cover up their wrong. I know there are many who are trembling and hoping the Mayor does not call them out with him when he goes down. It is sad that he tried to hide behind the people of God, that's where he messed up at. He kept jumping back and forth in and out of the Church. He messed up when he started bringing shame to the name of our maker. When you stand behind a pulpit and use the Lord's name in vain to make yourself look innocent you began to offend God. Then you will find yourself being abased, we can not involve the Lord's righteousness in criminal behavior.
Let's pray for him and hope he will amend his ways. God will forgive him we should too. Yes! all that he is getting ready to go through will be harmful enough to him. He has really judged himself, pride is a terrible thing.
Let's not be so mean. He messed up and a lot of us are very angry. If some of us could we would beat him up probably; but two wrongs don't make a right. There is some horrible things that he has done but it has cught up with him. Why are we always so quick to add salt to the wound. Maybe he did not show mercy to others but he needs mercy and grace.
It's funny how some of us will stick right with a person when everything is going good, and when the tables turn we abandon them; and turn against then so quickly and will not even speak a kind remark about them. Life sure can be cruel and lonely when you mess up. Some of us forget the wrong we do, and don't even know we are just a step away from getting caught in some bad mess ourselves, remember you reap what you sow. We need to be very careful how hard we come down on a person. The judgement we show towards others can be the same judgement that returns upon our own heads.
This act is not about "sticking" with a person. Who among us... doesnt apply either. The CITIZENS of Detroit DESERVES honest leaders period. Would you have this young man charged (asked to) with taking your check to be cashed? YES, he also has a responsibilty to honor his race irregardless as to what Bill did. My race and I need to see/hear/feel good things about my race because for 57 years I have had very few joys of this experiance in Amerikka. We have fought hard to prove to an undeserved race our worth. StillaPanther 66-forever
Such a shame that Kwame let us all down. He has disgraced not only himself and his family but dedicated cops who were trying to be good stewards to the people and their occupation. He has now shown those who looked up to him that Perjury is acceptable--you can get away with almost anything as long as you can give a good State of the City speech. Forgiveness? Sure--after he resigns office and honest professionals can go in and do a genuine investigation without fear of losing their jobs (or worse). Once he's out of office, maybe witnesses to the 'urban legend' will step forward--it won't happen before then.
As the readers have said before....this entire city is at a standstill...he has done so much harm to us and his poor family...but you sure don't see anyone stepping up... do you? What does that say about the leadership here? I hope that voters will finally start THINKING about the people they put in ....would you hire someone with no credentials other than NAME RECOGNITION , to run a major world class company? Well....we have too many of them on the tax payer payroll...here, and on the state gov't. level! What have they returned to us here in Detroit?
As we feel like we are finally coming out of the aybss...he slapped us back in....everywhere I go people are saying the same thing.....you voted him back in!
DETROIT STAND UP !!! Turn them out.....it's a DEN of THIEVES....and they're all covering for each other! And, they are all waiting for Kym Worthy.....Bless your heart ...if anyone can stand up...it's you...stand strong Ms. Worthy.
Well I see i've had my Kwame/Obama comment deleted. What a shame because I think its a really great suggestion. I'm an idealist at heart I really am. It's funny I post what I feel is a great totally real world suggestion and then I turn on the news to find Geraldine Ferraro resigns for saying Obama wouldn't have made it as far if he were white. I mean Obama should have said "Duh-she's right." Well I guess I'm to much of a dreamer and money of course comes into play, the almighty buck. Nevertheless you deleted my comment. If I am right and I think you think I am just in a different way I won't feel bad. In fact I will revel in your racial pouting. But don't say i didn't tell you honestly or give you a chance. So good luck try to run the Hillary strategy with Obama. Rememeber though theres alot of whites in California and other western states Obama will need and they may not bow as easy as you think to a black east coast liberal if he even gets that far. Hillary may be yet able to stick the great white liberal knife in him yet. The Kwame strategy is a good one. It would take guts, real political balls that I don't even think Obama has but I think it would produce a winner and I wish you would at least keep an open mind to what I said because you won't brainwash whites no matter how hard you try.
I would hope that we can expect Kwame to follow the example of the Governor of New York. Violation of the public trust should, at least, result in resignation. If that cannot be done voluntarily, then the justice system should be employed to uphold the law.
To all the people who say Kwame should be forgiven for the adultery/private matter, this is NOT about adultery. But if you are unable to grasp that fact, remember that when Jesus was on the cross with two thieves, He forgave them, but did not ask to have them taken down from their crosses. Forgiving does not always mean no punishment. In fact, in the case of Kwame, it seems as if he was never punished, so he never learned anything about personal responsibility.
Kwame's a reverse-racist plain & simple all in the name of self-preservation.
I cannot believe this. 1st off yes Kwame did commit perjury he did answer No to the question of the affair after spewing his line off dribble about accusing women of being whores and the questions was asked again, 3 times to Kwame. Second by him fring those officers investigating the parties which the text messages show is Kwame abusing his power and trying to cover up his mis-deeds. I dont give a crap about his affair, I do give a crap that a lot of people are only looking at the affair and not the single mother who lost her life so Kwame could keep things quiet. He has brought this on himself, and I know he will not face criminal charges even though he deserves it but he will destroy our city with his ego. this is not a question of adultery even though that is bad enough but he has lied over and over again. There is more to the story still to come, and yes it was smart of Council to delay vote until worthy states what she is doing becasue it would be easier to force Kwames hand if charges are brought instead of fighting back and forth without more leverage on their part. I hope Kwam QUITS or gets FIRED he is ruining this city, he is holding us back from growing as a city. As black man he is an embarrassment and by trying to pull the race card shows how ignorant he really is!! Get the Point Kwame get the HELL out of Detroit your no longer wanted here!!
Can you say MEGALOMANIAC? Our Mayor feels the only wrong he has commited is this: he ALLOWED himself to be caught! Please JUST GO!
I have lived 45 minutes away from your city most of my life. What this mayor is doing is effecting all of us as a state not just the city of Detroit. We are all paying for him "digging his heals in", just look at his city and the hurt will magnify when he finally does step down by his own accord or not. As my Father used to ask: How many times do you have to bang your head before you realize it hurts? The entire city is banging, shouldn't someone stop it....
Yeah, yeah, yeah, pray again for this loon of a Mayor. He is one high maintenance, breakin' ass person. If he isn't in prison within 6 months the city will lose another 100 million bucks with his BS and lear jet rides all over the place on taxpayers money....or Edsel Fords.
Please spare us the Easter reports of Kwame praying to God. Its too late for that and we are sick of hearing about his so-called talking to God. The only thing that he worships is money, power and women.
Kwame should be evicted from the city's mansion, and posted to the website DoNotRentTo
What a shame. This affects everyone: His family, friends, and the people of Detroit who trusted him. It also affects the impression that white people across the country have of black politicians. As Detroit continues its efforts to attract economic redevelopment, this could be a setback that lasts for years to come. How could one man do so much damage?
"HALLELUJAH" and praise Sister Kym
King Klown is going down on these charges. and he won't be the only one going to the hootch-cow either. He picked the wrong prosecuting attorney on this one. His ass is the lawn and she is the lawn mower.
This should not be any issue of race, wake up and educate yourselves about the races of the world. I'm not sure how people are so closed minded in this day and age to relate everything to color. I suggest if you haven't visited a third world country, you probably should. It will open your eyes to what our world is really like, not our country for we are extremely fortunate and we toss the blessings we have around like we are owed them as a part of our existance. White, Black, Yellow, Brown--whatever, the issue is two PEOPLE that selfishly go about their lives not caring about the well being of others, particularly and sadly their families. Kilpatrick should be convicted as well as Spitzer, they should be made a fool of after belittling their families the way they have. The consequences don't end with them serving time. These families will have these issues follow them forever, shameful of who their father is. Be a man, face your truth, be a better example for your childrens future. America has lost its respect for the family unit that moral structure relies on.
"This is what I was born to do". Thus, Detroit's mayor confesses that he was born to be a criminal, a low-lefe, and a slimeball. The only place Kilpatrick can ever make a living is either working for the Mafia or being Detroit's mayor. And the people of Detroit allow him to do it with impunity. Where is the outrage? Where are those who demand good government, not criminals screwing the people all the way to the bank. I conclude that Detroit is getting just the government it deserves, nothing more, nothing less.
Welcome to planet earth; the flip side of heaven. This is the Matrix where such contemporary, and historical corruption and atrocities like: American Slavery, lynching, and King Leopold's use of lies, corruption, perversion, mass murder to control resources in the Congo took place. And, nothing is new under the sun. Get your history books out and reread the dirty deeds of society as a whole, not just those in power, mind you.
Finally, let those who have not sinned, cast the first stone! But, we may say--well, my sin is not as bad as his...But, it is written--sin is sin.
Mind your own business!
Hey you, Mind your own business
I am minding my business when I worry about where my taxes are going. Do you pay City of Detroit taxes? The man lied again yesterday when the not guilty plea was entered. Wake up, my sins have hurt me and not a city. Go hug a tree.
There are some very serious issues here.
Number 1: Use of the Public's money to party. Number 2: His wife came home and got into an arguement with one of the strippers. Why does he bother to deny the party ever took place? Number 3: Ms Greene's death is way way too coincidental. What? She one of or maybe the only one willing to tell the truth about what happened at the non-existent stripper party. Listen, I want to see us advance just like everyone but this stuff is not advancement, this is pure corrupt behavior and with a dude like this you simply can't trust him. Don't leave $20 on the living room table, OK?
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