For example, LisaRaye’s character (Keisha Greene) is a gold-digging, sassy, emotionally-bankrupt kleptomaniac with very little class. A woman scorn, Dash’s character (Valerie Stokes) is the typical good girl gone bad. And Shea’s character (April Goldberg-Jenkins) ends up disgracing her loyal husband after the entire city learns she had a lustful affair with the Mayor whose married with children. To be frank, ‘Single Ladies’ is the Ebony version of ‘Sex in the City.’
Not sure that’s a good thing.
As you’re probably aware, the dating scene in America is nothing short of atrocious. Disease, sexual confusion, greed and disloyalty have all done irreparable damage to the contemporary courtship experience. 60% of American women are single. And 70% of African-American babes are chilling solo. Not good. Not good at all.
Locally, the romantic scene couldn’t be more dire as Kansas City remains the nation’s worst singles town. You heard me right. According to Sperling’s Best Places, KC is ranked the worst dating city in America with Wichita, Kansas coming in second. So, dating is not only a local problem. But a regional one. That being said, I found a couple things interesting during Monday night’s show.
1) The program sent the disturbing vibe single women despise nice guys.
2) Lonely chicks are ‘Charlie Sheen’ delusional in their romantic expectations.
EXHIBIT A: After losing her boyfriend of five years, Valerie uttered the following ridiculous ‘Tyler Perry-esque’ comment to Keisha: “I want the fairy tale. I want my prince to come in and sweep me off my feet.” Look, millions of women are single as a consequence of the aforementioned statement.
Ladies, contrary to popular opinion, there are no Prince Charmings just like there are no Kings and Queens. Unless you’re equipped with infinite riches, a throng of servants and all the ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ that comes with it, you’re nothing more than an everyday person trying to get by.
Ladies, for love to work, it’s imperative you descend back to earth, start re-evaluating your lofty expectations, or risk becoming that 50-year-old ‘has been’ rotting inside the nightclub. The craziness has to stop. There’s no royalty in America.
None, Nada, Zilch.
Even the nasty ‘black woman’ stereotype reared its ugly head on Monday night. While on an internet blind date with a black man named Michael, Valerie sat on the receiving end of a barrage of racially-insensitive insults.
“You’re so well-mannered and articulate. I guess it’s okay to experiment sometimes,” said a pompous Michael to a stunned Valerie. “As a rule, I don’t date black women. No offense. Just not my thing. Black women tend to have attitudes, you know, and sometimes you guys can be a little loud and sassy.”
Anyway, please share your thoughts. Like I said, ‘Single Ladies’ is a very entertaining show. The series contains eye candy, good drama and even better theater. But, unfortunately, the messages given leave much to be desired.
Wayne Edward Hodges, an MBA from St. Mary University, is the Editor-in-Chief of He also serves as District Committee Delegate in Johnson County, he’s a Democrat reporter for the Examiner, and he’s an adjunct professor in Kansas City. Wayne welcomes your comments 24/7 at
Ok, my take so far….Stacy Dash=clock ticker, wants to get married NOW, scared her eggs are going to dry up. LisaRaye=Been hurt a lot, free spirit…acts like a “dude”….with tits. **** em and leave em. White girl= Sneaky, ***, insecure, “acts black” when its convenient.
lol they only thing that is bothering me about the ir dating is that you can tell that white guy is flaming in real life. It will be irritating for me to watch this gay guy fawning over a chick of any color lol. Is it really that hard to find straight white guys to play this part.
This show is by far the best I’ve seenin a very long time. If your hating your wrong. This show is all about appealing to the common problems we deal with today. Relationships. The battle of finding your love, but also the fight to keep the love of your life.
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