Photo: Chimovement
Leslie Detouche reports:
The Friday Flash Feature shines a spotlight on a person or group that is accomplishing various personal or professional goals in the black community. From starting a business venture, buying a home to advocating a worthy cause; we have a heritage that is rich with impeccable tradition of numerous trailblazers. We are proud of Your Black World that is overflowing with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. This third Friday Flash Feature in the month of May will be: Eric Legette of Fathers With Voices.
FLASH BIO: This coming June marks the 15th year celebration of service for Fathers With Voices. The President and Founder, Eric Legette of Fathers With Voices started the program in June 1996 and was the first client. "To this date trying to obtain visitation rights for my daughter was the most traumatic and gut wrenching experience of my life." Eric was awarded his visitation rights after seven months of litigation and made a vow to God to help other fathers. The mission of Fathers With Voices is to provide support and guidance to fathers during the family court process.
To celebrate 15 years of service, Eric Legette is giving 100 fathers the chance to receive personal consultation, guidance, insight and support for six months as well as giveaways of his book "Closing the Curtain on Baby Mama Drama," and motivational CD/DVD/VHS tapes of nationally recognized motivational speaker Mr. Les Brown and other related speakers.
Eric Legette states, "When I started Fathers With Voices, I had no idea I would be doing it this long," said Legette in a humble tone. "The strength of Fathers With Voices is the fact that I have experienced many of the hardships my clients face, so I am able to relate to their pain." Moreover, it is also my job to instill belief to dispel the myth that Fathers have no rights within the {system} and Fathers With Voices continues to succeed in breaking down that myth."
WHO: Eric Legette, Founder and President of Fathers With Voices
WHAT: FREE Tele-conference call with question/answer session
WHEN: Thursday, May 26, 2011 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST.
WHERE: Dial-in number: 605.477.3000 Access code: 852357#
WHY: To provide info about Fathers With Voices success stories.
Eric Legette has provided advice of fathers' rights on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, The Steve Harvey Morning Show, and The Michael Baisden Show. For more information and events about Fathers With Voices contact: 336.899.6941 or visit website at http://www.fatherswithvoices.info-not.com.
Leslie Detouche is a certified literary concierge and freelance writer based in New York. Her website and facebook page will be coming summer 2011. Please join the Your Black World Coalition at www.yourblackworld.com.
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