Saturday, October 15, 2011

Interracial Couples and Children Face More Difficulties Than Others?

Census data reveals that interracial couples have a slighter higher divorce rate than same-race couples.

Sociologists speculate that age old miscegenation norms, deep-seated racism and self-identification issues may be the culprits. Multi-cultural children may have difficulty adapting to a hostile environment where they are expected to be one race or the other… and act like it.

Associate sociology professor at Rice University, Jennifer L. Bratter, believes that disparities in living standards may subject couples who cross the color line to stares and disbelief:

“Unless we solve those issues of inequality in other areas, interracial families are going to be questioned about why they’d cross that line,” she said.

Even with all the difficulties that interracial couples face, 86 percent of Americans approve of interracial marriage, up from 4% in 1958 and 43% in 1983, according to a recent Gallup Poll.

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