Monday, February 14, 2011

Academic Racism 101: Murray State Professor Makes Disrespectful Slavery Comments Toward Black Students

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse UniversityScholarship in Action 

Mark Wattier, a professor of Political Science at Murray State University in Kentucky, is in hot water after comparing his black students to slaves. Arlene Johnson, a freshman from Sikestown, Mo says that she arrived to Wattier's class three to five minutes early and found that there was a film already playing. After class was over, Johnson went to the professor, along with another black student, DeVaunte Martin, to ask him why the film had been started before they arrived.
According the students, Professor Wattier explained to them that class starts 10 minutes early when films are being shown. But the students were confused, since the information is not in the syllabus. Wattier then said "I expect it out of you guys anyway."
The students asked Wattier to clarify his statement, which is when he made the comments that served to truly seal his fate:


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